Compare and contrast the Sun, Moon, and Earth.
Similarities and Differences ________
Describe the differences between planets, stars, and moons.
Tell the planets in order from closest to the sun to the
Describe the motion of the Moon, Earth, and Sun.
Earth and Moon ______
Sun and Earth ________
Filmed Demonstration and explanation. _________
Describe the difference rotation and revolution.
Revolution of Earth and Moon _______
Rotation of Earth _________
Tell what a day, year, season, and lunar month is and their
Lunar Month __________
Day/Night _____________
Year _____________
Season ___________
Tell what causes the moon phases and what each phase is
called and looks like.
Moon Phases Named and demonstrated __________
Describe what the moon does for the Earth.________
Explain how gravity affects the Sun, Earth, and moon._______
Explain why the Sun looks like it is moving.
Demonstration of why this happens ______________