Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ecosystem PBL

As all of you should know by now, we are currently doing a project on an animal. We are taking that animal and learning everything about it. We are also learning everything that we can about its ecosystem. Below I am going to give you some examples, definitions, and links. Remember you have a glossary in the back of your science journal.
 Inherited Trait- Something that an organism is born with. Color of petals, hair color, eye color, etc.

Adaptations- changes that are made to an organism over time that help the organism survive in its habitat. It is an inherited Trait.
Examples: Whale and Dolphin blubber, 

Learned Behavior- Something that you do that you are taught or have learned through experience. Examples: Dog fetching or sitting on command, speaking a language, reading, etc.

Instinct- Behaviors that animals are born knowing how to do. Examples: Spider building a web, bird building a bird nest, sea turtles going into the ocean after hatching on a beach.


The user name is manortx and the password in manor.

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