Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect!!!

Here are a few websites that have questions very similar to those you will get during our game!!! You can do these tests online and have them graded!!!

and on cinch!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

First Semester Review!!

Okay, here is what is coming up. We are reviewing matter, energy, scientific method, force and motion, ecosystems, and animals/ecosystems interactions. You are going to create a study guide that you will study leading up to our three day game show.  The more you use this, the better you will do on the test.  Here are the things you need to include: (PS this is for a grade BOB!!!!!)

Scientific Method:
What is it?
What is a variable?
What is a conclusion?
What is a control?
What is a hypothesis?*

What is matter?
What is mass?
What is volume?
What is density?
What are molecules?
What is a solid?
What is a liquid?
What is a gas?
What is the freezing/melting point of water in Celcius? Why are they the same?
What is the boiling point of water in Celcius?
What is a mixture? How can we separate it?
What is dissolve?
What is solubility? *
What is a solution? How can we separate it?
What is a conductor?
What is an insulator?
What is light energy?
 What is refraction?
What is reflection?
What is translucent?
What is transparent?
What is opaque?
What is sound energy?
What is thermal energy?*
What is mechanical energy?
What is chemical energy?
What is electrical energy?
What is a circuit?
What is an open circuit?
What is a closed circuit?

What is an ecosystem?
What is a producer?
What is photosynthesis?*
What is a consumer?
What is a decomposer?
What is carnivore? What kind of teeth does it have? Why?
What is an herbivore? What kind of teeth does it have? Why?
What is an omnivore? What kind of teeth does it have? Why?
What is an adaptation? Give some examples.
What is an inherited trait?
What is a learned behavior?
What is an instinct?
What is a food chain?
What is a food web?
What is complete metamorphosis?
What is incomplete metamorphosis?
What is a molt?
What is a non-living object?
What is carbon dioxide oxygen cycle?

You have the next 7 days to finish this!!!! Work together, do drawings, write it, I don't care as long as you know it!!! The man in the picture is El Joven y La Pared!