Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Last Project

Last Project

Here is a list of questions that you must answer on your presentation.

1.     What were you afraid of before fifth grade started?

2.     What was your favorite thing about fifth grade?

3.     What was the biggest difference between fifth grade and fourth grade?

4.     What is the hardest thing you learned in Math? How did you get good at it?

5.     What is the hardest thing you learned in Science? How did you get good at it.?

6.     What is the hardest thing you did in Reading/Writing? How did you get good at it?

7.     What is the best way to do well in fifth grade?

       8.       What will you miss most about Blake Manor Elementary?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Last Project

It's the last few weeks and we need to get the fourth graders ready to be fifth graders. Your job will be to create a presentation that will explain to them how to be successful in fifth grade. What are the things that you learned this year that were hard?? How did you learn them?? What were strategies you learned?? What are they? If you could get into a time machine and visit yourself last year, what would you tell yourself? How would you explain to pass fifth grade? Be original!!! Have fun, and we will miss you!!!!