Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Inherited Traits and Learned Behaviors

Today you will be choosing a biome. Once you have chosen a biome, you will be creating an animal and a plant that will be well adapted to that biome.  You will need to list the following:

At least 4 adaptations and how they help each organism survive.
The instincts that the animal is born with.
The learned behavior that the animal learns from experience.
Is it an herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore. Why?
Is it producer or a consumer? Why?
Does it go through ELPA or ENA?
Does it mimic other animals?

The color of the plant and how it attracts bees for pollination.
The shape of the seeds and how they spread.
The shape of the leaves and why.
The shape of the roots.
The height of the plant.
Is it a producer or a consumer? Why?

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